sur ASMALLWORLD AG (isin : CH0404880129)
ASMALLWORLD AG Rebrands and Introduces Free Membership
ASMALLWORLD AG, recognized for its luxury travel platform, has announced a comprehensive rebranding and the introduction of a free membership option. The changes aim to expand its user base and potentially boost profitability over time.
Under the new brand identity, ASMALLWORLD showcases its slogan "Travel - Discover - Belong." The addition of a free membership model grants wider access to its social network, offering 90% of premium functions. Although existing members could downgrade, thereby potentially affecting short-term revenues, the strategy targets long-term growth by increasing memberships and upselling premium services.
The rebranding anticipates a broader customer engagement with new monetization pathways, including third-party product offerings. Despite a predicted initial impact on profitability, the company forecasts significant operating leverage by 2026. NuWays AG has reiterated a "Buy" recommendation, adjusting the target stock price to CHF 4.00.
R. H.
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