sur Aspire Biopharma, Inc. (NASDAQ:PWUP)

Aspire Biopharma Begins Trading on Nasdaq Following Merger

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Aspire Biopharma, Inc. (EBR:PWUP).

Aspire Biopharma, Inc., a developer of innovative drug delivery technologies, announced its public listing on the Nasdaq Global Market. This follows the completion of its business merger with PowerUp Acquisition Corp., a special purpose acquisition company. The merger was finalized on February 17, 2025, after gaining approval from PowerUp's shareholders in January.

Starting February 20, 2025, Aspire's common stock and warrants will be traded on Nasdaq under the symbols "ASBP" and "ASBPW". This development is poised to enhance Aspire's access to capital and foster its internal development and strategic partnerships.

The merger provides Aspire with a boost in resources to accelerate the development of their fast-absorbing aspirin, which aims for fast-track approval from the FDA to combat cardiac incidents.

R. E.

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