sur Aspire Biopharma, Inc. (NASDAQ:PWUP)
Aspire Biopharma Updates Progress on High-Dose Sublingual Aspirin

Aspire Biopharma Holdings, Inc. announced the completion of initial feasibility studies for its high-dose sublingual aspirin. This soluble, fast-acting formulation aims to enhance cardiology emergency and pain management through rapid absorption. Aspire expects to commence Phase 1 clinical trials in April.
The FDA testing, conducted by Glatt Air Techniques, validated the product's compliance with cGMP standards. Testing confirmed ingredient compatibility, establishing a clear path for further development. Aspire remains focused on leveraging the aspirin's established safety profile to expedite approval processes.
Looking ahead, Aspire anticipates several key milestones in 2025, including FDA meetings, clinical trials, and potential product launches in various segments such as testosterone formulations and non-prescription wellness supplements.
R. E.
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