sur Atlas Salt (isin : CA04943J1003)

Atlas Salt Inc. Announces Submission of Project Registration for Environmentally Friendly Operation

Atlas Salt Inc., known under the ticker symbols SALT and REMRF, recently filed its registration document (the "Registration") for the Great Atlantic Salt Project with the environmental authorities of Newfoundland and Labrador. This major step underlines the company's ambitions to progress towards the construction of the project and to generate value for its shareholders.

The submission highlights Atlas Salt’s commitment to innovation, sustainable mining practices, community engagement and minimizing environmental impact. It details environmental impact studies, mitigation strategies, local support for the project, potential effects on local flora and fauna, operational design promoting energy efficiency and plans to control water, noise, light and dust.

Atlas Salt also carried out preliminary environmental studies, including an analysis of the project's greenhouse gas emissions, proving a low carbon impact compared to other mining operations. The project aims to make significant economic and social contributions to local, regional and provincial communities.

The document is currently under review by the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Environment and Climate Change, and the company promises to provide updates as they become available.

R. P.

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