sur Atlas Salt (isin : CA04943J1003)

Atlas Salt Receives $1 Million ACOA Funding for Emission Reduction Efforts

Atlas Salt Inc. has secured a C$1,000,000 loan from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA). This support, under the Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program, aids Atlas Salt's Mine Design and Optimization Initiative. This initiative aims to lower greenhouse gas emissions at the Great Atlantic Salt Project through innovative technologies.

The Great Atlantic Salt Project, located in Newfoundland and Labrador, will integrate battery electric vehicles and advanced mining processes. It is set to become the first major salt producer in Eastern North America in years, creating numerous full-time and permanent jobs.

This funding aligns with Canada's commitment to sustainable economic growth. It positions Atlas Salt as a leader in regional environmental initiatives, promising long-term economic and ecological benefits for the area.

R. P.

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