sur Autobrains

Autobrains Unveils Air2Road: Cutting-Edge Localization Technology for Automated Driving

With Air2Road, Autobrains is setting new standards in localization technology for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles. Based on Autobrains' Liquid AI technology, Air2Road combines aerial images and vehicle camera data for highly precise localization. The multimodal system enables centimeter-level accuracy, thereby improving the safety of assistance systems.

Autobrains' Air2Road delivers real-time vehicle localization for safe navigation, even in challenging conditions. Traditional systems heavily dependent on GNSS or crowd-sourced maps face limitations such as high costs and susceptibility to interference. Air2Road's approach overcomes these limitations by fusing aerial and ground-based images.

"Air2Road is a game-changer for autonomous driving technology," said Igal Raichelgauz, CEO and Founder of Autobrains. This system offers unprecedented multimodal redundancy, full coverage even in GNSS-poor areas, and scalable deployment across various regions. It leverages real-time data on road conditions, traffic flow, and parking areas to support optimized navigation.

Inspired by the human brain, Air2Road ensures accurate decision-making by filtering out irrelevant data and focusing on critical elements like road edges. With its dual-modality technology, Air2Road is set to redefine localization, facilitating safer autonomous driving.

R. E.

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