sur AVENTADOR (isin : FR001400IV58)
Aventador Announces Management Reorganization
Aventador, listed on Euronext Growth Paris, has announced significant changes in its management structure. The company will combine the roles of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, with Mr. Gilles-Emmanuel Trutat taking on both positions. This decision is aimed at strengthening the strategic coherence and operational implementation within the company. Trutat will serve in this dual capacity for an unspecified duration.
Mrs. Laetitia Maffei has been appointed as Deputy CEO. Her responsibilities include managing daily operations under Trutat's supervision. This reorganization is designed to optimize the skills of both leaders, aligning strategic objectives more closely with daily operations, and facilitating quicker decision-making processes.
This change coincides with Aventador's strategy of diversification and long-term value creation as the company enters a new growth phase. The leadership continuity offered by Trutat, with his sector experience, is expected to guide the company toward new growth opportunities.
R. E.
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