sur Dufry International AG (isin : CH0023405456)

Avolta AG Announces its 2023 Annual Results Presentation Webcast

Avolta AG invites stakeholders to its annual results presentation webcast for the year 2023, scheduled for Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 2:30 PM CET. The company's management team, represented by Xavier Rossinyol, Chief Executive Officer, and Yves Gerster, Chief Financial Officer, will present the financial achievements, key strategic milestones, and future plans. The webcast, conducted in English, will include a question and answer session and will be accessible online as well as via phone.

The full-year results announcement, along with the accompanying presentation, will be released on March 7, 2024 at 6:30 AM CET and made available on the company's IR website. Participants are encouraged to join the webcast on time for an optimal experience. A replay of the webcast will be available on the site until April 7, 2024, allowing for convenient viewing of the presentation. For those preferring or requiring phone access, pre-registration is necessary.

For any issues with the registration link or additional inquiries, Avolta equipped with dedicated contacts encourages communication via email. Detailed information regarding the access process will be provided following registration.

R. P.

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