sur AXA (EPA:CS)
AXA Announces Share Capital and Voting Rights Details as of November 2024
![Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action AXA (EPA:CS).](
On December 10, 2024, AXA released its official figures concerning the number of voting rights and shares that constitute its share capital. As of November 30, 2024, the company's share capital consists of 2,210,315,185 shares. In terms of voting rights, AXA reported a total of 2,640,898,876 rights, inclusive of all shares with attached voting rights, even those currently without voting capabilities.
AXA is a publicly traded company listed on Euronext Paris under Compartment A. The company's procedures mandate disclosure whenever shareholding crosses thresholds, including the obligatory notification for changes every 0.5% in share capital or voting rights. Such disclosures ensure transparency and compliance with legal and internal regulations as outlined in Article 7 of their bylaws.
R. E.
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