sur AXA (EPA:CS)
AXA Outlines Share Repurchase Program Details

On March 19, 2025, AXA released details of its proposed share repurchase program to be voted on at the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting scheduled for April 24, 2025. The program aims to purchase up to 10% of the company's share capital, equivalent to a theoretical maximum of 221,479,787 shares, at a maximum price of €45 per share. The purchase aligns with market practices as defined by European and French financial regulations.
The objectives include hedging stock options, enhancing share liquidity, and potentially using shares for mergers or other transactions. The program also considers cancelling shares under reserved conditions. If approved, this repurchase initiative will span 18 months from April 2025. As of February 28, 2025, AXA held over 30 million shares for employee plans and over 14 million for cancellation.
R. E.
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