sur Bahrain Economic Development Board

Bahrain Skills and Gender Parity Accelerator launches in Davos

The Bahrain Labour Fund (Tamkeen) announced, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum (WEF), the launch of the Bahrain Skills and Gender Parity Accelerator in Davos. The accelerator aims to close the gender skills gap in high-growth industries and increase the participation of the current and future Bahraini workforce.

The signing of the agreement took place in the presence of high-ranking dignitaries. Bahrain is positioned as a regional leader in gender parity and equal pay, according to the Global Gender Gap Report 2024. The country continues its efforts to develop a pool of highly qualified talent.

Through the Labour Fund (Tamkeen), Bahrain aims to provide a model for other governments through state-backed training programs. These initiatives aim to reduce gender gaps in traditionally male-dominated sectors, while collaborating with private and government actors.

R. E.

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