sur SURTECO SE (isin : DE0005176903)

Banasino Investments Gains Control Over Surteco Group SE

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action SURTECO SE (EBR:SUR).

Banasino Investments S.à r.l., headquartered in Luxembourg, has effectively gained control over Surteco Group SE, a prominent company registered in Germany. This acquisition, dated October 4, 2024, was accomplished by Banasino acquiring additional shares, reaching a total of 4,652,218 no-par shares. This transaction represents 30% of the voting rights within Surteco.

The control acknowledgment extends beyond Banasino itself, including participation from Banasino Investments Limited in Cyprus, Luda Stiftung from Liechtenstein, and Mr. Matthias Kaindl from Switzerland. A mandatory offer for the remaining shareholders is pending authorization from Germany's Federal Financial Supervisory Authority.

The legality of this acquisition adheres strictly to German law, further regulated by relevant US securities laws. Banasino may engage in additional transactions involving Surteco shares outside the said offer's framework, potentially affecting market dynamics.

R. H.

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