sur EasyJet (isin : GB00B7KR2P84)

Bank of America Increases Holding in easyJet

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action EasyJet (EBR:EZJ).

The Bank of America Corporation has announced a significant change in its holdings in easyJet plc. On January 22, 2025, the bank surpassed a threshold in its financial interests in the UK-based airline. The notification was released to easyJet on January 23, 2025, detailing an increase in voting rights to 9.327377%.

This increase resulted from both direct and indirect voting rights. Direct voting rights amounted to 1.293117%, while indirect voting rights reached 8.034260%. The total number of voting rights held by the Bank of America is 70,702,468.

Financial instruments contributing to this change include swaps and physical options. These instruments offered an additional 0.005403% in voting rights. The swaps with various expiration dates in early 2025 provided an economic effect equivalent to 8.034260% in voting rights.

R. P.

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