sur Battery X Metals (isin : CA86258H1001)

Battery X Metals Announces Repricing of Warrants

Battery X Metals Inc. has announced the repricing of 3,554,993 common share purchase warrants to a new exercise price of $0.25 per warrant. This adjustment began immediately upon announcement. The Canadian Securities Exchange requires unanimous consent from registered holders of these warrants for this repricing to proceed. Prior to this change, these warrants were issued at varying prices, such as $0.66 and $0.33, with different expiration dates ranging from 2026 onwards.

The repricing follows a recent 3.3:1 share consolidation by the company. According to CSE policies, if the market price of Battery X Metals' shares exceeds the new exercise price by 25% over any ten consecutive trading days, the term for the repriced warrants will automatically shorten to 30 days. The exact revised date will be communicated through a press release.

R. E.

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