sur Bechtle AG (isin : DE0005158703)

Bechtle Reports International Growth in Q3 Despite Economic Challenges

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Bechtle AG (EBR:BC8).

Bechtle AG experienced varied business outcomes in the third quarter of 2024. Despite a challenging economic environment, the IT services provider achieved international growth. While its overall business volume decreased slightly by 1.1%, revenue saw a 2.2% rise, reaching €1,511.3 million. Earnings before taxes, however, dropped to €78.6 million from €93.9 million the previous year.

In contrast, international business thrived with a 10.7% increase in volume, highlighting strong performance in Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, and the UK. Nevertheless, uncertainty in Germany and France continued to affect Bechtle's domestic operations, reducing the domestic business volume by 8%.

Despite the tough climate, Bechtle's operating cash flow improved significantly, reaching €289.4 million, and the workforce expanded by 5.2%, mainly due to acquisitions. Bechtle maintains confidence in future growth, especially in the B2G segment, despite withdrawing its annual forecast due to economic unpredictability.

R. H.

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