sur BeMetals Corp. (NASDAQ:BMTLF)
BeMetals Extends Nkala Copper Zone Footprint and Unveils New Satellite Targets
BeMetals Corp. has announced the results of its 2024 shallow aircore drilling program at the Pangeni Copper Project in Zambia. The company has extended the Nkala Zone copper footprint by 1.3 kilometers and identified additional satellite targets. This program focused on an 8-kilometer area around the D-Prospect.
The Nkala Zone Extension revealed a 400-meter-wide anomaly with significant copper grades. Other targets include Nkala Northwest, CT Southwest, and the R Target, each displaying promising copper anomalies. These findings suggest substantial potential for scale and extensions along the trend.
John Wilton, CEO of BeMetals, expressed optimism about these results, indicating they could lead to a major new copper discovery in the western Zambian Copperbelt. The ongoing core drilling program aims to confirm these promising targets.
R. E.
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