sur Bettermoo(d) Food Corporation (isin : CA9267661069)

Bettermoo(d) announces complete sale of its flagship product Moodrink™ in Ontario stores

Bettermoo(d) Food Corporation, based in Vancouver and specializing in plant-based alternatives to dairy products, recently announced that it has sold its entire stock of Moodrink™, the company's flagship beverage, in select Ontario stores owned by a global leader in natural and organic food retail. This news follows previous commercial successes in Canada. Nima Bahrami, CEO of Bettermoo(d), interprets this event as a sign of growing consumer interest in plant-based alternatives.

Moodrink™ is notably rich in proteins and fibers, outperforming standard milk in calcium content while containing less sugar, sodium, cholesterol, and fats. The recipe for Moodrink™, based on herbs and flowers, aims to evoke the taste of traditional dairy products from the Alps. The company is focusing on expanding its range of milk alternatives, including Moogurt and Buetter, aiming to replicate the taste of traditional milk while being nutritionally enhanced and sourced sustainably.

R. E.

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