sur Beyond Oil Ltd. (isin : CA0886691066)
Beyond Oil Secures First Direct Sale in Western Europe
Beyond Oil Ltd. has announced its first direct purchase order in Western Europe, marking a significant commercial milestone. The company's innovative food-tech solutions, aimed at reducing health risks from fried food and enhancing sustainability, will now be integrated into all 20 restaurants of the Mister Noodles chain in Spain. The order consists of 10,000 daily doses of Beyond Oil's product, with onboarding planned for the coming days.
Jacob Tureman, CEO of Mister Noodles, expressed enthusiasm for being the first Spanish chain to embrace Beyond Oil's products, emphasizing the health benefits for employees and customers. The move is also seen as a potential catalyst for broader adoption of healthier food practices in Spain.
Jonathan Or, CEO of Beyond Oil, highlighted the strategic importance of this development, noting that it supports their global outreach and increases value for shareholders. The company aims to continue its expansion into other markets worldwide.
R. P.
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