Bio UV Group: Financial results and outlook for 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action BIO UV GROUP (EPA:ALTUV).

Bio UV Group closes 2024 with a turnover of 39.6 million euros, down 8% compared to 2023. Export sales in the land sector increased by 23%, despite an overall stability of the land-based activity. However, the maritime market suffered a decline of 27%, due to the early end of the retrofit market. Services and after-sales partially compensated for this drop with an increase of 30%.

For 2025, the group expects a recovery in organic growth, driven by export solutions and services. Bio UV Group also intends to strengthen its position in North America, particularly in the swimming pool market. A capital increase is being launched to support these projects, with a target of €7 million.

R. P.

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