sur BioNxt Solutions Inc. (isin : CA0909741062)
BioNxt Solutions Embarks on 90-Day Strategic Milestones
BioNxt Solutions Inc., a bioscience innovator, has announced its plans for the upcoming 90 days, marking significant milestones in patent filings, clinical trials, and product expansion. The company is finalizing national-level patent registrations in major markets like the U.S., Europe, and Japan, following a favorable report from the European Patent Office regarding its sublingual delivery technology for autoimmune neurodegenerative diseases, including Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
A notable highlight is the upcoming human bioequivalence study for BioNxt's lead MS product, BNT23001. This sublingual formulation of Cladribine promises high absorption rates comparable to oral therapies. The study will validate the product's effectiveness and paves the way for clinical trials.
Furthermore, BioNxt is set to explore the longevity and anti-aging sector, targeting benefits like ovarian aging and fertility extension. This initiative aligns with the sector's projected growth, estimated at $93 billion by 2027.
R. E.
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