sur BioNxt Solutions Inc. (isin : CA0909741062)

BioNxt Solutions Inc. Clarifies Promotional Activity Agreements

BioNxt Solutions Inc. has clarified details regarding its recent promotional activities following a request from the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization. The company has partnered with Apaton Finance GmbH, providing investor relations services aimed at increasing brand visibility in Germany. Apaton's responsibilities include news dissemination and social media engagement, with their service agreement set from February 1 to June 30, 2025.

Another collaboration involves Cayo Ventures GmbH, which will offer digital marketing and press release distribution in German from February 1 to March 31, 2025. The contract with Cayo Ventures GmbH includes a flexible payment arrangement, allowing BioNxt to adjust weekly fees based on operational factors. Both collaborators have been granted stock options as part of their agreements.

The shareholder-approved Option Plan includes a mandatory hold period for options and shares as per the Canadian Securities Exchange policy.

R. E.

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