sur BioNxt Solutions Inc. (isin : CA0909741062)
BioNxt Solutions Launches Debenture Unit Financing
BioNxt Solutions Inc. announced a non-brokered private placement of debenture units. Each unit includes $0.50 in principal amount of debenture with an 8.0% annual interest, convertible into a common share and a purchase warrant at $0.60, valid for two years. The company aims to raise up to $2,500,000 through this offering. Interest payments on the principal could be made via common shares priced at $0.50 each. The debentures allow holders the option to convert before maturity.
Eligible introducers of subscribers may receive up to 400,000 compensation warrants and a cash fee of up to 8% on subscriptions. All securities under this offering will be subject to a four-month-plus-one-day hold period post-issuance. Completion depends on necessary regulatory approvals. This offering excludes the United States market due to regulatory restrictions.
R. E.
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