sur Biotricity, Inc. (NASDAQ:BTCY)

Biotricity Inc. Sees Promising Demand for New Biotres Pro Device

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Biotricity, Inc. (EBR:BTCY).

REDWOOD CITY, CA - Biotricity Inc., a pioneer in medical diagnostics and healthcare technology, announces heightened demand for its new product, Biotres Pro. This device, which combines ease of use with advanced features like a 3-channel ECG that supports both cellular and Bluetooth connectivity, is selling above its predecessors. Its introduction is expected to augment average subscription prices by over 32%, potentially increasing revenue by up to 10% from current customers during fiscal 2025. Moreover, Biotres Pro has sold out its initial production run, with further pre-orders already placed for subsequent batches, due for delivery by the end of May.

Dr. Waqaas Al-Siddiq, CEO of Biotricity, highlighted the optimistic reception of Biotres Pro among both existing and new clientele, expecting that this could significantly expedite the company's journey to breakeven. This latest development portrays a positive forecast for Biotricity's revenue and invites investor attention towards the company's evolving product suite.

R. H.

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