sur Biotricity, Inc. (NASDAQ:BTCY)

Biotricity Initiates Cardiac Monitoring Pilot with Major Hospital Network

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Biotricity, Inc. (EBR:BTCY).

Biotricity Inc., a prominent TaaS company focused on medical diagnostics and consumer healthcare, has begun a pilot program with a large hospital network that includes over 50 hospitals in various states. This initiative is aimed at showcasing the effectiveness of their cardiac monitoring solutions to potentially prepare for a broader commercial deployment throughout the network.

Dr. Waqaas Al-Siddiq, CEO and founder of Biotricity, explains that the pilot results from enhanced access and visibility through partnerships with significant Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs). With access to 90% of hospitals via GPOs, the company is well-positioned to secure more pilot programs and expand their market reach.

The program will allow Biotricity to collaborate with the hospital network to refine their technology suite further. It focuses directly on enhancing patient management and predictive monitoring tools, as well as tackling disease profiling and prevention using advanced hardware and proprietary software that promise scalability and extensive application in the healthcare field.

Biotricity's business model, which leverages technology-as-a-service, ensures that cutting-edge medical tools are accessible without the high costs often associated with advanced healthcare technologies. Their solutions currently target a $35 billion market opportunity.

R. P.

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