sur BlackBerry QNX (NASDAQ:BB)

BlackBerry Reports Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2025 Results

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action BlackBerry QNX (EBR:BB).

BlackBerry Limited revealed its financial outcomes for the quarter ending August 31, 2024. The company achieved breakeven adjusted EBITDA and non-GAAP EPS. GAAP net loss improved by $23 million, or 55% year-on-year, to $19 million. Operating cash usage also beat expectations, improving by $2 million sequentially and $43 million year-over-year.

Both the IoT and Cybersecurity divisions saw double-digit revenue growth year-over-year. The former raised its lower-end full-year guidance. Total revenue was $145 million, with IoT contributing $55 million and Cybersecurity $87 million.

The gross margin stood at 66% non-GAAP and 65% GAAP. The company also noted an increase in its cybersecurity ARR and DBNRR. Other business highlights included the introduction of the QNX® Containers and CylanceMDR™ Pro services.

For the upcoming third quarter and full fiscal year 2025, BlackBerry forecasts revenue between $146-$154 million and $591-$616 million, respectively. Adjusted EBITDA is expected to range from breakeven to +$10 million.

R. E.

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