sur WashTec AG (isin : DE0007507501)

Board of Directors Change at WashTec AG

WashTec AG has announced a significant change within its board of directors. Dr. Ralf Koeppe is leaving his position as a member and chairman of the board of directors with immediate effect, following a mutual agreement to end his mandate. This decision was made by the supervisory board of WashTec AG.

Following this departure, the responsibilities within the board of directors will be taken over by the two remaining members, Sebastian Kutz and Andreas Pabst. This reorganization takes effect immediately. The supervisory board expresses its intention to appoint a new chairman for the board of directors as quickly as possible.

For any contact or additional information request, WashTec AG provides the contact details for Andreas Pabst in Augsburg. This transition within the board of directors of WashTec AG is being closely monitored by stakeholders.

R. H.

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