sur Boron One Holdings Inc. (isin : CA29570H2000)
Boron One Launches Warrant Exercise Incentive Program to Boost Capital
Boron One Holdings Inc. announced a warrant exercise incentive program aimed at encouraging early exercise of approximately 10.6 million Eligible Warrants. This initiative applies to warrants distributed during a private placement on January 25, 2023. Each warrant allows the purchase of a common share at $0.05.
The company explains that early warrant exercises will provide critical working capital. Those unexercised after the early exercise period can still be exercised under their original terms. The incentive includes issuing an additional warrant for each exercised, enabling purchase at $0.07 per share for 30 months, with conditions for early expiry based on share price performance.
This program, yet pending approval from TSX Venture Exchange, could significantly fund Boron One by facilitating up to $531,300 from exercises, paralleled by issuing up to 10.6 million common shares and incentive warrants. The exercise period begins two weeks following the exchange's conditional approval and will last for two weeks.
R. P.
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