sur Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA (isin : DE0005493092)

Borussia Dortmund Faces Challenges Amid Coaching Change

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA (EBR:BVB).

In a recent development, Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co KGaA has been classified with a “BUY” recommendation by NuWays AG, maintaining a target price of EUR 5.50. The decision followed the dismissal of head coach Nuri Sahin after four consecutive losses, including a defeat against Bologna in the UCL.

Chief Sporting Officer Lars Ricken highlighted management's dwindling confidence in Sahin's ability to meet the club's seasonal goals. This action comes amidst Dortmund's tenth position in the Bundesliga and only one win in the last nine games. Though ranked fourth in squad value, they lag seven points behind the crucial UCL qualification spot.

Temporary coach Mike Tullberg is set to lead against Bremen, with a permanent coach expected soon. Despite challenges, Dortmund secured a UCL play-off spot, while the probability of a Top-8 finish remains low at 12%.

R. E.

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