Broadpeak, Deutsche Telekom and Microsoft Azure collaborate to optimize mobile video streaming

Broadpeak, a leading provider of content delivery network (CDN) and video streaming solutions, announces its collaboration with Microsoft Azure and Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier. This initiative aims to improve the video streaming experience on mobile devices. It is achieved through the integration of Quality on Demand (QoD) Network API intelligence into Broadpeak's BkS450 high-performance video streaming software. This innovation offers an effective solution to the streaming stability difficulties encountered by mobile users.

Successful testing of this solution was carried out on the Telekom Edge Cloud platform in Berlin, Germany. Guillaume Bichot, Head of Crawling at Broadpeak, highlights the importance of providing superior streaming quality even in difficult network conditions. During periods of high demand, the software adjusts the available bandwidth to maintain an optimal viewing experience.

Broadpeak's teaming up with Microsoft Azure and Deutsche Telekom Global Carrier represents a significant step forward for the video streaming industry. It promises a substantial improvement in the quality of service for fans of mobile video streaming, opening the way to new monetization possibilities for operators. This collaboration will be highlighted at Mobile World Congress 2024.

R. P.

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