BROADPEAK SA: Limited rebound in turnover in 2024
In 2024, Broadpeak SA recorded a marginal increase of +0.9% in its turnover, reaching €39.4 million. After a decline in the first half of the year, sales finally increased by 5.9% in the second half of the year. The EMEA region saw a notable increase of 12.7%, contrasting with a decline in the Americas (-5.6%) and APAC (-20.6%).
The product mix is evolving, favoring an increase in recurring revenues such as Maintenance & SaaS (+22%). Equipment sales, on the other hand, fell sharply (-44.1%). Broadpeak achieved positive free cash flow in 2024 and maintains its ambitions for 2027, targeting €50 million in revenue with a significant share of recurring revenues.
R. P.
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