sur Buc-ee’s

Buc-ee's Opens Its First Travel Center in Colorado

The renowned Texan retailer Buc-ee's will open its very first travel center in Colorado, in Johnstown, on Monday, March 18, 2024. This event will mark the arrival of the chain known for its pristine restrooms, fresh food, and welcoming hospitality in the state. The public opening ceremony will start at 6:00 AM MDT with a ribbon-cutting ceremony scheduled for 11:00 AM MDT in the presence of local and state leaders.

Located at 5201 Nugget Road, at the intersection of I-25 and County Road 48, the Johnstown Buc-ee's will span 74,000 square feet and offer 116 fueling positions as well as 12 electric vehicle charging stations. Travelers will find a wide selection of snacks, meals, beverages, as well as the highly popular Buc-ee's classics like Texas barbecue, homemade fudge, kolaches, beaver nuggets, jerky, and fresh pastries.

This opening, bringing the number of Buc-ee's stores to 48 across Texas and the Southern United States, will create over 200 full-time permanent jobs in the region, with starting wages well above minimum wage and comprehensive benefits. Buc-ee's demonstrates its commitment to providing a friendly, safe, and entertaining stop for travelers.

R. H.

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