sur Alibaba Cloud

Businesses Show Interest in AI for Sustainability Amid Energy Concerns

An Alibaba Cloud survey reveals that over three-quarters of businesses in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East are exploring digital technologies such as AI and cloud computing to drive sustainability. However, 61% express concerns over energy consumption, highlighting it as a significant barrier. While emerging Asian markets exhibit high interest, with the Philippines and Singapore leading, most businesses admit a knowledge gap in leveraging digital tools for sustainability goals.

Despite 82% recognizing the importance of sustainable tech, many feel they lag behind, especially in Singapore and Japan. AI and machine learning are seen as crucial for advancing corporate sustainability, though human oversight is deemed essential by 81% of respondents. Energy efficiency concerns remain pronounced, particularly in Singapore and the Philippines.

Alibaba Cloud commits to environmental goals, aiming for 100% clean energy by 2030. Their initiatives have already led to a notable reduction in emissions. The report calls for responsible tech adoption to address energy concerns and sustainability gaps.

R. H.

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