CAFOM plans to transfer its listing to Euronext Growth

CAFOM Group, a significant player in the home equipment sector, plans to transfer the listing of its shares from Euronext Paris to Euronext Growth. This proposal will be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders on March 31, 2025.
The project aims to ease the constraints of the regulated market. Euronext Growth would offer an environment more suited to the group's needs, while continuing to benefit from the financial attractiveness.
CAFOM already meets the conditions for the transfer, with a capitalization of less than one billion euros and a float of at least 2.5 million euros.
If the transfer is approved, the periodic and ongoing reporting requirements will be eased, and the mandatory public offer mechanism will protect minority shareholders in the event of a change of control.
The Board of Directors will decide on the project after the General Meeting, with a possible admission to Euronext Growth after the expiry of a two-month period.
R. P.
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