CAFOM unveils its 2023-2024 annual results

CAFOM Group has published its results for the 2024 fiscal year, posting a turnover of €417.8 million, up 2.5%. This increase is supported by a notable increase of 10.2% in the Continental Europe E-commerce division. On the other hand, the Overseas division saw a slight decrease of 2.6% in its sales.
Gross margin increased to 50.7%, notably thanks to improved purchasing conditions in the E-commerce segment. Adjusted EBITDA increased slightly to €49.3 million. Net income stood at €18.1 million, a significant increase compared to the €12.5 million of the previous year. This performance is accompanied by significant debt reduction, with net financial debt reduced to €10.9 million excluding IFRS 16.
R. H.
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