sur Cairn Homes Plc (isin : IE00BWY4ZF18)

Cairn Homes Plc Announces New Major Shareholding by JPMorgan Asset Management

Cairn Homes Plc has disclosed a significant update regarding its shareholding pattern, marking a notable change in the composition of its major investors. According to a recent notification, JPMorgan Asset Management Holdings Inc. has crossed the 4% threshold of voting rights in Cairn Homes Plc. This event took place on March 26, 2024, with Cairn Homes being notified two days later on March 28. The change is primarily attributed to an acquisition of voting rights.

The filing elaborates that JPMorgan Asset Management now holds a combination of direct voting rights and voting rights through financial instruments, summing up to a 4.003641% total interest in Cairn Homes Plc. Specifically, the direct voting rights account for 3.812452%, while the financial instruments add another 0.191189%. Before this transaction, JPMorgan’s stake stood at approximately 3.573590%.

Further details reveal that JPMorgan Asset Management’s direct holdings lie with a set number of shares amounting to 24,586,410, representing 3.81% of the voting rights. Additionally, through financial instruments such as rights to recall and equity swaps, it holds an indirect interest that influences another 0.191189% of voting rights. This strategic movement by JPMorgan signifies its growing interest and stake in Cairn Homes Plc, potentially hinting at confidence in the future prospects of the company.

R. P.

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