sur Cairn Homes Plc (isin : IE00BWY4ZF18)

Cairn Homes Plc Announces Share Buyback

On February 21, 2024, Cairn Homes Plc revealed the purchase of 200,000 of its own ordinary shares on Euronext Dublin and the London Stock Exchange, a transaction that took place on February 20, 2024. This transaction was carried out through Numis Securities Ltd. The company specified that the repurchased shares would be cancelled. The share buyback program, previously announced on March 3, 2023, is thus ongoing.

The purchase consists of 120,000 shares acquired on Euronext Dublin and 80,000 on the London Stock Exchange, with prices ranging between €1.458 and €1.472 and between £1.252 and £1.256 respectively. As a result of this operation, the total number of Cairn Homes' outstanding ordinary shares amounts to 649,441,542, all carrying the same voting rights. It is worth noting that the company does not hold any treasury shares.

R. H.

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