sur Cairn Homes Plc (isin : IE00BWY4ZF18)

Cairn Homes Plc: Transaction in Own Shares

On 28 June 2024, Cairn Homes Plc disclosed that it had acquired a total of 215,000 of its ordinary shares on 27 June 2024. The transactions occurred on Euronext Dublin and the London Stock Exchange via Goodbody Stockbrokers UC. These shares will be cancelled.

The breakdown of shares repurchased includes 170,000 shares on Euronext Dublin and 45,000 shares on the London Stock Exchange. The highest price per share paid was €1.6520 and £1.3960 respectively, while the lowest prices were €1.6060 and £1.3580. The volume-weighted average prices were €1.6368 and £1.3825.

This buyback is part of the share repurchase program announced on 3 March 2023. Following the settlement and cancellation, Cairn Homes' total number of shares in issue will be 642,498,386, each carrying one vote. The company holds no shares in treasury.

R. P.

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