sur RedChip (NASDAQ:CNTM)

Calidi Biotherapeutics and OS Therapies Feature on Bloomberg TV

RedChip Companies will broadcast interviews with Calidi Biotherapeutics, Inc. and OS Therapies Inc. on Bloomberg TV, airing Saturday, March 1, at 7 p.m. ET. Viewers can access the complete interviews online.

Andrew Jackson, CFO of Calidi Biotherapeutics, discusses the company's innovative cancer treatment using oncolytic virotherapy platforms. Jackson outlines Calidi's clinical pipeline, including trials for CLD-101 and CLD-201. He mentions a significant market opportunity estimated between $13 billion and $15 billion in the U.S.

Paul Romness, CEO of OS Therapies, shares insights on treating osteosarcoma and solid tumors with their immunotherapy candidate, OST-HER2. Highlighting the upcoming FDA application, Romness emphasizes the potential of OS Therapies’ next-generation drug platform.

R. P.

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