sur BlackBerry QNX (NASDAQ:BB)
Call for Entries Opens as MotorTrend and BlackBerry QNX Announce Third Annual Software-Defined Vehicle Innovator Awards

MotorTrend Group and BlackBerry Limited announced the commencement of entry submissions for the third annual Software-Defined Vehicle (SDV) Innovator Awards. These awards honor individuals revolutionizing the automotive industry's shift from hardware to software. The awards acknowledge pioneers, leaders, and experts who significantly contribute to making vehicles smarter, more connected, and more intuitive through software innovations.
The SDV Innovator Awards have seen substantial growth with global automakers and suppliers nominating prominent figures like Sarah Tariq from Nvidia, Magnus Östberg from Mercedes-Benz AG, and Doug Field from Ford. Carsten Hurasky, VP Marketing at BlackBerry QNX, emphasized the awards' role in spotlighting visionary leaders in the industry's transformation.
This year, a sequel to the Coding the Car documentary, Coding the Car 2.0, will delve into advancements and consolidation in automotive technology. The documentary examines how Chinese automakers and legacy brands are navigating the rapidly changing landscape.
Nominations for the awards are open in three categories: Pioneer, Leader, and Expert, until October 11. Finalists will be announced in November, and winners will be honored at a VIP ceremony during CES 2025 in Las Vegas.
R. H.
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