sur JP Jenkins Ltd (isin : GB00BPLKLR77)
Cambria Africa Plc Shares Begin Trading on JP Jenkins
On October 22, 2024, Cambria Africa Plc announced that its shares are now trading on the JP Jenkins platform. This marks a significant step for the company as it provides shareholders and potential investors the opportunity to trade equity in an unlisted market environment.
Cambria Africa, registered in the Isle of Man, has focused its investments in Zimbabwe. Its current operations involve loan processing and payroll management. Additionally, the company holds the intellectual property of Paynet Systems, which caters to numerous banks in Zimbabwe with payment services.
The company is currently divesting certain assets, including the Paynet corporate offices. The goal is to maximize shareholder value through dividends or share redemption. Trading on JP Jenkins allows for matched bargain transactions, facilitating share trades via regulated UK stockbrokers during regular business hours.
R. E.
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