sur Castle Hall Diligence

Castle Hall Unveils Enhanced DiligenceExchange Verification Reports

Castle Hall has launched the next generation of its DiligenceExchange (DXC) Verification Reports. This new version integrates insights from DiligenceAI, the company's AI engine. Following the initial launch in 2022, this update aims to further streamline due diligence processes.

The company is also promoting early access to the platform at the iConnections MFA Global Alts 2025 event, where it will be a Platinum Sponsor. This initiative is intended to assist managers in distinguishing themselves in the competitive capital raising market.

CEO Chris Addy emphasizes that the updated reports address efficiency and credibility. They provide a standardized, verified data report to enhance capital allocation processes. The reports offer vital third-party validation, establishing robust operational credibility for managers.

R. H.

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