sur Catheter Precision, Inc.

Catheter Precision Announces First LockeT Order from University of Tennessee

Catheter Precision, Inc., a medical device company based in the U.S., revealed that it has received its first purchase order for the LockeT device in the southeast region. This order comes from the University of Tennessee Medical Center, a prominent facility known for being a referral center and home to the region's only dedicated Heart Hospital.

Marie-Claude Jacques, the Chief Commercial Officer, expressed satisfaction in receiving an order from such a respected institution, setting a promising tone for 2025. The company is preparing for a national launch of LockeT following the expansion of its U.S. sales and clinical teams.

LockeT is a suture retention device designed to aid in hemostasis after venous punctures. The device is FDA-registered as a Class 1 medical device. This development signals successful growth in new U.S. territories, affirming the company's sales strategy.

R. P.

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