sur Catheter Precision, Inc
Catheter Precision Announces Initial LockeT Purchase by Montefiore Medical Center
Catheter Precision, Inc., a U.S.-based medical device company focused on electrophysiology products, has announced its first purchase order for LockeT from the New York City area. The order comes from Montefiore Medical Center, a prominent teaching hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, NY.
Montefiore Medical Center, part of the Montefiore Einstein health network, performs over 1,000 electrophysiology and cardiac rhythm procedures annually. This purchase marks a significant step for Catheter Precision, which has recently expanded its U.S. sales and clinical team for the national launch of LockeT.
Ronald Bowe, Area Sales Director for Eastern US, expressed honor in collaborating with Montefiore Health System, aiming for positive patient impacts through the introduction of LockeT.
R. P.
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