sur Catheter Precision, Inc.

Catheter Precision, Inc. Announces Acquisition of PeriKard, LLC

Catheter Precision, Inc., a U.S. medical device company, announced a definitive agreement to acquire PeriKard, LLC through an all-stock transaction. The deal involves issuing 275,000 shares of restricted common stock for full acquisition. Closing is expected by the month's end, contingent on NYSE approval of stock listing.

PeriKard, a development stage company, focuses on a kit that improves access to the heart's pericardial space, featuring enhanced needle and drainage systems. This kit aims to better manage conditions requiring access to the pericardium.

David Jenkins, CEO, expressed optimism regarding the acquisition, aiming to continue product development and secure necessary regulations. This initiative aligns with Catheter Precision's focus on ventricular therapeutic markets.

R. H.

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