sur Catheter Precision, Inc.

Catheter Precision, Inc. Presents LockeT Study Data at Western AFib Symposium

Catheter Precision, Inc. (NYSE American: VTAK), an American company specializing in medical devices for electrophysiology, announced the presentation of clinical data from the LockeT study at the Western Atrial Fibrillation (Western AFib) Symposium in Park City, Utah, on February 23 and 24, 2024. This study highlights the effectiveness and safety of the LockeT device, enabling cost reduction and same-day patient discharge.

The Western AFib Symposium, internationally recognized, focuses on improving atrial fibrillation treatments worldwide. Catheter Precision showcases its LockeT device, an aid for hemostasis following percutaneous venous punctures, classified as a Class 1 device by the FDA. Founded under the name Ra Medical Systems, Inc. and renamed Catheter Precision, Inc. in 2023, the company is dedicated to advancing care in cardiac arrhythmia.

R. H.

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