sur Catheter Precision, Inc
Catheter Precision, Inc. Welcomes New CFO, Philip Anderson
Catheter Precision, Inc., an American medical device company specializing in electrophysiology products, announced the appointment of Philip Anderson as Chief Financial Officer. Former Interim CFO Margrit Thomassen will continue with the company as Controller.
The CEO, David Jenkins, expressed satisfaction with this strategic hire, noting Anderson's diverse experience in executive management across several industries, including hedge fund management and investment banking.
Philip Anderson, enthusiastic about his new role, highlighted the dynamic cardiac electrophysiology market and the accomplished management team as key attractions. He acknowledged the company's promising products and the synchronization of his skills with the company's current phase.
As part of his employment inducement, Anderson received options to purchase 500,000 shares of the company's stock, set at an exercise price of $0.53 per share. These options vest monthly over three years with a 10-year term.
R. P.
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