Change in the presidency of the E-PANGO board of directors

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action E-PANGO (EPA:ALAGO).

E-PANGO, an energy supplier for businesses and communities, has announced a major change in its board of directors. Ms. Anne Lauvergeon, chair of the board since May 2021, resigned from her position on February 25, 2025. Her departure comes a few months before the expiration of the term of office of all directors, scheduled for June 10, 2025, at the general meeting on the accounts for the 2024 financial year.

The Board of Directors has decided not to proceed with a co-optation. It has chosen to combine the roles of Chairman of the Board and CEO, entrusted to Mr. Philippe Girard. This decision aims to simplify E-PANGO's management structure for greater efficiency.

R. P.

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