sur NamR (EPA:ALNMR)

Change of Governance and Strategic Audit at namR

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action NamR (EPA:ALNMR).

NamR, a French greentech company, has announced a major change in its governance and the launch of a global strategic audit. The latter is expected to provide its results by mid-January 2025. The Board of Directors has accepted the resignation of Ms. Chloé Clair from her position as Chief Executive Officer with immediate effect. Grégory Labrousse, Chairman and Founder, will now also assume the role of Interim Chief Executive Officer.

A recruitment process for a new permanent CEO will be initiated, with the aim of finalizing it during the first half of 2025. The audit aims to ensure operational continuity and sustainable development of the company. This approach includes cash management in collaboration with strategic partners.

R. E.

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