sur DATAGROUP IT Services Holding AG (isin : DE000A0JC8S7)

Changes in DATAGROUP's Supervisory Board Announced

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action DATAGROUP IT Services Holding AG (EBR:D6H).

DATAGROUP IT Services Holding AG has announced a necessary change in its Supervisory Board. Major shareholder, HHS Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbh, has submitted a request to amend the agenda for the upcoming Annual General Meeting on March 18, 2025. This amendment includes the proposal to dismiss and elect a new member of the Supervisory Board.

The current Chairman, Heinz Hilgert, is stepping down due to health issues. HHS, in collaboration with DATAGROUP's Management and Supervisory Boards, has proposed Manfred Boschatzke as his replacement. Boschatzke is the Managing Partner of Human Network GmbH and is set to serve for the remainder of Hilgert's term.

The decision aims to maintain the Supervisory Board's operational efficiency and ensure continuity in governance during the transition period.

R. H.

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