CHARGEURS Reports H2 2024 Liquidity Contract Details

On January 9, 2025, CHARGEURS released its half-year statement for the liquidity contract with Rothschild Martin Maurel. As of December 31, 2024, the liquidity account held no shares and €1,771,035.04. This marks a change from June 30, 2024, when the account contained 23,053 shares and €1,536,667.00.
The variation in the number of shares and cash indicates active management under the liquidity contract. Without shares by year-end, the liquidity in euros saw an increase, possibly from the sale of the shares.
This liquidity management aligns with CHARGEURS' strategic operations across global markets. The company's focus on high-value industrial and service niches continues, leveraging its resources to address market challenges.
R. H.
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